The True Story Behind Stephen King's "The Shining" - Stanley Hotel, Colorado

Published on 28 June 2023 at 22:25,is%20said%20to%20haunt%20the%20hotel’s%20billiard%20room.

Author: Hotel Chantelle Stuff


MAY 15, 2023- The Stanley Hotel located in Estes Park, Colorado, is known for its mysterious history and paranormal activities. The hotel's history dates back to the early 1900s. 


The land where the Stanley Hotel stands was originally owned by Lord Dunraven, an Irish nobleman who purchased a 6,000 acre in Estes Park. He planned to turn the area into a private hunting reserve but his plans never materialized, and he eventually sold the land. 


In 1930, F.O. Stanley, the inventor of the Stanley Steamer automobile, and his wife Flora, moved to Estes Park due to F.O.'s failing health. They were so taken with the beauty of the area that they decided to build a grand hotel on the property. 


The Stanley Hotel was designed by architect T. Robert Wiger in the Georgian Revival style and was completed in 1909. The hotel boasted 138 guest rooms, electric lights, telephones, in-suite bathrooms, and a hydraulic elevator, which was a luxury in those days. 


The Stanley Hotel's golden years were in the 1920s and 30s when it was a popular destination for wealthy and famous guests, such as the Unsinkable Molly Brown and the horror writer, Stephen King. The hotel's popularity waned in the 1970s, and it almost fell into disrepair. 


It is worth mentioning that the Stanley Hotel's fame skyrocketed after Stephen King stayed in room 217 and was inspired to write his best-selling novel, "The Shining." The hotel's paranormal activities and ghost sightings have attracted many visitors over the years. 


The Stanley Hotel, located in Estes Park, Colorado, is known for its paranormal activity and has been a popular destination for ghost hunters and enthusiasts alike. Many guests have reported strange occurrences and sightings at the hotel, which has led to several ghost stories associated with the property. Here are some of the most popular ghost stories of The Stanley Hotel


Room 217 and the Ghostly Housekeeper: Room 217 is perhaps the most famously haunted room in the hotel. According to a legend, a housekeeper named Elizabeth Wilson died in the room in 1911 after an explosion occurred while she was lighting a lantern. Guests have reported strange occurrences in the room, such as their belongings being unpacked and put away by an unseen presence. Some have even claimed to have seen the ghostly figure of Wilson herself. 


The Children of The Stanley Hotel: In the hotel's ballroom, guests have reported seeing apparitions of people dressed in formal attire dancing and partying. Some have even claimed to have heard the sounds of music and laughter coming from the ballroom when its empty


The Haunted Concert Hall: The Stanley Hotel is also home to a concert hall that is said to be haunted by a ghost named Paul. Paul was a former handyman at the hotel who died during a gas leak in the building. Guests have reported seeing Paul's ghostly figure in the concert hall and hearing strange noises and footsteps coming from the area.


Other Mysterious Happenings: In addition to these popular ghost stories, guests have reported other mysterious noises, like knocking or footsteps, coming from empty rooms. Others have claimed to seen objects move on their own or felt cold spots in certain areas of the hotel. 

While some may dismiss these ghost stories as mere legend or superstition, many guests and employees of The Stanley Hotel have experienced unexplainable events firsthand


For those seeking an eerie and spine-tingling experience, The Stanley Hotel offers a range of paranormal investigations and experiences. The hotel has gained notoriety for being a hotbed of supernatural activity, and many curious visitors have sought to explore the ghostly occurrences that take place within its walls. 


One groups that has taken a particular interest in investigating the paranormal activity at The Stanley Hotel is the Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society. This team of experts has conducted numerous investigations at the hotel over the years, using state-of-the-art equipment to capture any potential evidence of ghostly activity

Their findings have been featured on popular TV shows such as Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures, adding to the hotel's reputation as a haunted destination. 


For those looking to experience the paranormal activity firsthand, The Stanley Hotel offers a variety of ours and ghost hunts. These experiences allow 

guests to explore the hotel and its grounds with knowledgeable guides who share the hotel's fascinating history and stories of ghostly encounters. Some tours even provide access to areas of the hotel that are typically off-limits to the public. such as the underground tunnels that were once used to transport supplies.


Many visitors to The Stanley Hotel have reported personal experiences and encounters with the paranormal. Some have claimed to see apparitions, hear unexplained noises, or feel sudden drops in temperature. These personal testimonials have only added to the hotel's reputation as a hub of supernatural activity. However, skeptics argue that these experiences can often be explained by natural occurrences, such as drafts or creaky floorboards.


Whether you believe in ghosts or not, it's hard to deny the allure of The Stanley Hotel and its fascinating history. As we've read, this property has inspired countless stories, films, and legends, and it continues to be a popular destination for those who seek a spooky adventure. 


Article Source:,is%20said%20to%20haunt%20the%20hotel’s%20billiard%20room.

Author: Hotel Chantelle Stuff



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